Guiding sensitive women
to master their energy,
and manifest a level-up in their life

Transform yourself and
shine bright like a diamond

About this shop

The Diamond Frequency Shop is a place where self-discovery meets elegance. This is not just another online store – it’s a sanctuary for sensitive, spiritual women who believe in the transformative power of the law of attraction and the journey of personal development.

Our collection has been curated for the dreamers, the seekers, and the believers. Each item carries the essence of our community – a community that understands the significance of surrounding oneself with items that reflect our aspirations. 

From keychains and mouse pads that share your favorite affirmation to journals and tote bags that inspire with amazing quotes, every product is designed to uplift and inspire.

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About Starterslabo

Starterslabo logo

I've been given the opportunity to start "The Diamond Frequency" with the guidance and support of the experienced people at Starterslabo. 

Until 31/03/2025 candidate entrepreneur at Ondernemersatelier cvba so - Starterslabo Limburg

Windekestraat 1, 3600 Genk, Belgium

BTW BE 0876 478 439 - 089 36 57 71

www.starterslabo.be - lim@starterslabo.be


About me

Hi there! I'm Kathleen

So glad to see you here. I’m the founder of the Diamond Frequency™ and I’m here to guide highly sensitive women and female empaths to master their energy and manifest a level-up in their life. I'm on a mission to empower these women, so they know their value, and they can create a better life for themselves

“You attract what you vibrate”

About my teachings

By mastering your energy, you can master your life. Because we don’t only attract what we think and feel, we attract what we vibrate. 

You can let go of limiting beliefs and past negative experiences and really start enjoying life and living it on your own terms. No more people pleasing and other coping mechanisms, but just living your best life without feeling guilty. No more keeping yourself small, but being your bright, true self.

If you want to know more about me and my philosophy check out our website.

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About my teachings

My teachings on self-transformation are based on these four pillars:

Spirituality helps us to gain insight into our innermost truth and develop a deeper understanding and connection with ourselves
Law Of Attraction
By understanding and applying the principles of this universal law, you can manifest the changes in life that you desire
Personal Development
Improve yourself and your life through conscious effort by setting goals, breaking bad habits and shifting your mindset
Level-Up Journey
Upgrade your presence, learn how to set boundaries and become a high-value woman who has achieved her fullest potential